Saturday, June 19th, 2010
Skinny Dippin' Music Video Premiere
The Academy of Music & Dance
2929 West Devon Ave.
Chicago, IL 60659
8:30pm, $10 (included free drinks, DVD of Music Video,
and other goodies)
performing: Essex Chanel
Event on:
Love is Proximity Sessions, Disk 3 RELEASES
TODAY! 3.23.2010
Streaming and Available for FREE download!
Love is Proximity Sessions, Disk 3 by Essex Chanel releases TODAY (3/23)!
This album is streaming on the website and available for FREE Download!
Stream Album HERE.
Download the single, To Be Loved!
Download the single, Don't Say Goodbye!
If you haven't listened to the main album, Love is Proximity, make sure to listen!
It contains the best tracks from the entire project!
Essex Chanel in the Illinois Entertainer!
Essex Chanel on Indie Rock Cafe! "We first heard Essex Chanel's 2009 album, Love is Proximity, last fall, and they immediately went up on our radar."
1.10.2010 Love is Proximity Sessions, Disk 2
Streaming and Available for FREE download!
The second Love is Proximity Sessions Disk is streaming on the website and available for FREE Download! The album officially releases 1.26.2010. Stream Album HERE.
Download the first single, That Girl From St. Louis!
Download the single, Some Kind of Diversion! Download the single, So You Wouldn't Go To the Weezer Concert!
" can’t help but want to know what Essex Chanel is going to come up with next."
- Heather Fuhrer, Noise Addicts
10.22.2009 Love is Proximity reviewed on D.O.A.!!
"Few would dispute that Wiggins has tremendous songwriting capabilities...
his choice of instruments is impressively varied and at times....
There is much to love about this album...."
10.12.2009 Love is Proximity Sessions, Disk 1
2 FREE singles & Available for ADVANCE Purchase
The first Love is Proximity Sessions Disk is Available for ADVANCED purchase! The album officially releases 11.24.2009. Stream Album HERE.
Download the first single, She Cuts His Hair for FREE!
Download the single, 33-2-21 for FREE!
10.2.2009 Essex Chanel on AV Chicago!! AV Chicago had some nice things to say about Essex Chanel. Part of a preview for the Love is Proximity CD Release Show:
"Not many bands can pull off a song about skinny-dipping and have it sound charming instead of creepy, but Essex Chanel is schooled in all kinds of charm, filtered through frontman Travis Lee Wiggins’ vision..."
9.29.2009 Essex Chanel on Break Thru Radio!!
Essex Chanel stopped by Shelter Island Sound on 9/23 while in New York City on The 2009 Essex Chanel East Coast Tour. Break Thru Radio recorded Essex Chanel's set and had an interview with BTR's Maia Macdonald. Click above or here to listen!
Essex Chanel on & Windy City Rock!
Frank Krolicki had a nice writeup of Love is Proximity and a preview of The Subterranean CD Release Show!
9.29.2009 Love is Proximity Officially Releases Today! Pick up your copy today!
9.8.2009 Love is Proximity CD Release Show Announced! Check out the tour dates for more shows in your area!
Thursday October1st, 2009 Essex Chanel's LOVE IS PROXIMITY CD RELEASE SHOW!
Sure to be Essex Chanel's biggest show of the YEAR! The Subterranean 2011 W North Ave
Chicago, IL 60647-5413
(773) 278-6799
w/ Ami Saraiya & 1 more
8pm, 17+!!, $8
Essex Chanel Band of the Week on What to Wear During an Orange Alert!
Interview with What to Wear During an Orange Alert & Essex Chanel! Travis answered some questions from Orange Alert's Jason Behrends! Check it out!
Love is Proximity CD of the Month on Deli Chicago!
"Essex Channel captures both a sense of dense orchestration and the intimate sound of bedroom recordings...Wiggins keeps every track fresh and moving...."
8.30.2009 Still shots from the Skinny Dippin' Music Video!
8.15.2009 Essex Chanel's Love is Proximity reviewed by Redefine Magazine!
"...A -...the end result is sugary sweet, inside and out."
- Rachel Helm, Redefine Magazine
7.9.2009 Love is Proximity reviewed by C.W. Ross in & C.W.'s Place! "The songs take an honest look at love, both the good and the bad aspects of it....."
- C.W.Ross, & C.W.'s Place
"a sublime collection of songs full of bouncy melodies and charming irresistible piece of indie pop...."
- Taylor, Music For Ants
7.3.2009 Essex Chanel on!
7.3.2009 Essex Chanel on skopemag!
6.29.2009 Love is Proximity now available on!
6.29.2009 Love is Proximity now available for purchase exclusively throught the Travis Lee Wiggins Online Store. Get an Adanced copy before the album releases!
6.25.2009 Love is Proximity now available as a download from Get the album before it officially releases!
The first single from Love is Proximity, "Skinny Dippin'" is available for download for free! Right click or option click on this link to save to your computer.
6.23.2009 has some massive content uploads! Stay tuned in the coming weeks as even more is added!
6.22.2009 Essex Chanel signs with the Sweet Goodness Music Label! Sweet Goodness will release Love is Proximity and will be officially released on September 29th, 2009.