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Chanel - 67 Car Commercials - LP
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Chanel - 67 Car Commercials
Official Release Date: 9.17.2006 |
songs written, produced, recorded, mixed, performed, and mastered
by Travis Lee Wiggins
and packaging design by Travis Lee Wiggins - www.travisleewiggins.com
between May-September 2006 at Beware of Dog Studios in Chicago,
Now Introducing the New Car
Drive in the Park
3. 3:00 A.M., No Traffic
4. What if you Found Out You Could Have a New Car?
5. B.A.C. .12
6. Off to the Beach!
7. Keep My Family Safe
8. Made With Pride In Russia
9. Ethanol 10. 4:58, 4:59, 5:00
11. 10 Car Pileup
12. Buy A Car
13. My Girlfriend Just Broke Up With Me and Now I Have
to Drive Home
14. CAR! Hypnosis Method #1
15. The Best For Me
16. Waiting in the Mechanic’s Lobby
17. Sequenced Stoplights are Super
18. Driving off a Cliff in Slow Motion
19. Haul this mother *!?/in boat
20. Funeral Procession
21. Salem, Kentucky
22. Anti-Lock Brakes
23. On its Last Wheels
24. That New Car Smell
25. Parking Spot Right in Front of the Building
26. Drive Thru McDonald’s - Waiting
27. Drive Thru McDonald’s -Got
Da Food!
28. Daydreams & Fantasies
29. Lakeshore Drive
30. Waiting for a Taxi
31. Road Construction
32. 104 degrees
33. Chicago Skyway
34. Defrosting Through the Dakotas
35. Where will you be in 5 years?
36. $1000 Cash Back
37. Toll Booths, Turnpikes, & Turnarounds
38. Birthday Present
39. Rear View Mirror Lover
40. Driving on the Shoulder
41. Sucky Windshield Wipers and It’s Fucking Pouring
42. Dead Battery
43. Soccer Mom
44. Oil Change in 10 min. or less
45. Getting Beyond E
46. Wishes in One hand....
47. Indestructible Wheels
48. Luminescent Halogen Headlights
49. All the guys with Convertibles get the Hot Chicks
50. Route 2
51. All I Want
52. GPS
53. Why don’t you buy from Me
54. Indianapolis 500
55. This is the Greatest Car in the Universe
56. $1000 Cash Back 2
57. It’s Mine
58. Dale Earnhardt
59. Road Head
61. It’d be Nice
62. 4 Wheel Drive
63. Bugs Splattered on the Windshield
64. We Had to Sleep in the Backseat because We Didn’t
Have Enough Money for a Hotel
65. I need a New Car Now
66. Irish Car Bomb
67. The Wind Blowin’ My Hair |
This light-hearted album consists of 67 songs meant to be used as car commercials. Almost every song is 30 sec (a couple are 1 minute), and they genre jump from track to track. Much more experimental and multi-instrumental than the previous Essex Chanel albums. This album takes on a new meaning when put in a playlist or on an iPod, because they almost act as a real commercial break when played between longer songs and they pop up for 30 seconds unexpectedly. A BONUS EP was released 3.6.2007 that contains 7 more car commercials recorded with the original 67 that didn't make it on the album.