Essex Chanel

Friday, April 30th, 2010
Up Close and Personal Acoustic Show

Uncommon Ground
w/ Travis & Allison
1401 West Devon Avenue
Chicago, IL 60660
w/ Grody Hunt

click or right click and save (apple click) to save each individual song from the set to your computer!

songs performed:

1. Lie (Dolphins Swimming)
2. Country (Dolphins Swimming)
3. Skinny Dippin’
4. Coming From Loved Ones (Dolphins Swimming)
5. The First & Last Time I Ever Met You
6. In A World Such As This (The Summer Salts)
7. UnEternally Yours (Dolphins Swimming)
8. Already in Heaven
9. Tuesday (Dolphins Swimming)
10. Speaking With Eyes
11. Was It Sex, Love, or Just Plain Fucking?
12. Say Something


Video footage by Richard Trumbo